Section of Neurophysiology

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The section of neurophysiology, established in 1979, sees itself as an integrative factor of the Department of Psychiatry.

The following equipment is available:

The performance of an electro convulsive therapy accompanied by scientific examinations (EEG, CCT, MRI, psychophysiology) also belongs to its area of responsibility.

In principle, interested colleagues are encouraged to bring in corresponding problems.

In cooperation with other research groups such as Prof. K. Albert, Institute of Organic Chemistry (in vivo MR spectroscopy psychopharmacological drugs in the brain), PD Dr. A. Stevens (Brain-Mapping) and Dr. G. Eschweiler (NIRS) questions of clinical and scientific significance are matter of interest.

Leader: Prof. Dr. M. Bartels
Assistant: Dr. A. Batra
Selected publications:
  1. Schott K, Bartels M, Heimann H, Buchkremer G (1992) Ergebnisse der Elektrokrampftherapie unter restriktiver Indikation - eine retrospektive Studie über 15 Jahre. Nervenarzt 63: 422-425.
  2. Bartels M, Albert K (1995) Detection of psychoactive drugs using 19F MR spectroscopy. J Neural Transm (GenSect) 99: 1-6.
  3. Stevens A, Lutzenberger W, Bartels M, Strik W, Lindner K (1996) Increased duration and altered topography of EEG microstastes during cognitive tasks in chronic schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research (in press).
Address: Prof. Dr. M. Bartels
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Osianderstr. 24
D-72076 Tübingen

Telephone: +49-7071-298-2684
Telefax: +49-7071-29-4141

Remarks and requests(

Visitors since 04/03/1997:

Copyright: Dr.Anil Batra( , Dr. TiloKircher( , Prof. Dr. Mathias Bartels
( Last revised on 28/07/1997 by Dr. A. Batra